Sunday, September 27, 2009


If you don't me, I will tell you something soon:
My name is Leslie, I was born under the full moon.
I was have a distinguished family:
Vera, George, Joanie, Gregory, Alex and a charming Jaclyn Emily.

I am just an ordinary man,
Try to be busy as much as I can.

I am not a rich person, don't call myself wealthy
The only thing I want to be: very, very healthy.

Don't try to analize me, don't wast your time.
On a scale of a new dollar, I worth maybe an old dime.

Even if you look hard, won't find my name in the library...
Quietly, I did my share of life, never been a celebrity.
You can ask me anything, except for my hard-earned money,
But if you need, I can give you milk, bread, or sweet honey.

When the time comes and I will this globe, who will miss me?
Somebody will look around and will ask: "Where is Leslie?"

Give me a short call, when you just read this letter,
I will be greatful to you and for a few days, I will better.

(Now you know me as Leslie Vertes. The date is 1997)

Thursday, September 17, 2009



A simple women, a good wife, she was a good mother.
Not having an easy life, like many, many other.
Good life she didn't have, tears were plenty,
But with good children her life never was empty.

To give good advice, to learn better manner,
Organize my closet, put everything in order...
She wanted me to look up, forward, to have good friend,
Not to follow the faulty ones, she said: "Backward you never bend!"


She was worried watching my first bicycle try
And when I fell, hurting myself, she was the one to cry.
Watching the clock when I came home late,
Worried, afraid, but she had in me lots of fate.

When I was in the hospital to take out my tonsils,
I couldn't talk to her, had to use papers and pencils,
But she made my favorite food, cooked the very best dishes
For her only son, me, to get better. That was her wishes.


She never was sick, always ready to clean, to cook,
One of her pleasures she had: reading a good book.
For my sister and me clothing had to fix,
Working, loving her children, it was a healthy mix.

My returning from gulag, she was far away, and sad,
Her heart was pulling both ways...this was very bad!
She moved to new promising land, with a flag BLUE and WHITE,
To work even harder, facing the future with little, little light.


My mother and me, we lived far apart for many years,
She never complained, holding back the painful tears.
Missing a husband, a son, good friends...she just hoped for the best.
And always worried for the family...she did not give her heart a rest.

I had to cut my vacation trip to fly to Israel,
Can not say good bye to her, just attend her burial.
The ground is dry now, she is resting forever.
Can't call me: "My dear son" anymore. Never.


To remember her, I feel happy with a smile,
And understanding her, it took me for a while.
Her life was not wasted, but I can't write to her a letter...
But when I think of her with love, I feel much better.


(I did write this composition for Mother's Day and every day). Leslie Vertes.

Monday, September 7, 2009


We missed our connecting flight in Los Angeles, but arrived in time to celebrate our darling friend Marianne Carr's birthday in a Mexican Restaurant, downtown San Diego. As you in the picture we had a very good time and the cake was very good. She received some card, but the best gift was for her: after the wedding of Stephanie and Jeffrey she will have not two, but four wonderful children.
The next day we attend in the "Rehearsal Party" given by Jim and Marianne, in the best hotel in La Jolla, the La Valencia Hotel, on the Ocean. The guests were greeted and served in the elegant way. With the piano player in the background, we listen to good wishes, greetings from the Carr and from the Marsh family. After their request I made a short speech too, telling to the the future husband and wife, how God made a master piece when created Stephanie. "You will travel a life-long road together, calls Mr. and Mrs. Veltri Boulevard. Some part will be a little bumpy, some will be rough, but with love, understanding, appreciation, respect and compromise you will have happy family road to enjoy. This is my wish!"

The wedding ceremony and the reception was in the US GRANT HOTEL with 150 very elegant guests. Stephanie and Jeffrey promise each other the best of love forever, and they kissed each other first time as Mr. and Mrs Veltri! The Crystal Ballroom was decorated very lavishly, smartly arranged centerpieces, and strings of glass "diamond" pieces from the high flowers. The seven pieces of orchestra with an active wedding singer gave a non-stop music and the dancers filled the floor.

After some short greetings from the Carrs and from the Marshes the tasty dinner were served.

The ladies were mostly in elegant black or colourful dresses or gowns. Marianne, the happy mother has a dark chocolate colour highly elegant gown, as you see in the pictures.
The next day, Sunday, part of the wedding was a breakfast in the garden of Kathy and David Marsh's beutiful house in La Jolla. Everybody was very happy with the nice setting, the perfect weather and with the lots of tasty food. From here the young couple left for a short honeymoon to Hawaii.
We did some sightseeing before and after the wedding. Walk and eat in the Horton Plaza, across the street from the our hotel. Took an all day city tour with the Old Trolley. Stopping in a few places, like Old Town San Diego, in the Hotel Coronado and spent long time in the MIDWAY aircraft cerrier museum. It was very interesting to see many of the old, retired fighters, listen to stories from ex-pilots. Spent a day in the BALBOA GARDEN to see the Sandiego Museum of Art and the Tinkem Museum too. It was our pleasure to see many beutiful paintings, statues, and other pieces of art. We walk inside and outside of the Garden too.
Our good friend Marianne took as to La Jolla city, we eat lunch, we walk, we enjoyed the ocean side caves, birds, and the hungry seals.
Judy and Nathan Laufer, old darling friends took us aroung the Coronado Island, walk on the "boardwalk", eat and talk in a nice restaurant. Than they showed us their beautiful home, a condo in one of the luxury building. The view was fantastic, to the city, to ocean. The apartment is furnished, equipped in the latest fashion, with a very modern kitchen. Walking on the special carpet was a suprise, like walking on the waves!
Our trip in San Diego was very special and we were very happy there!!!!!